About Phoebe Baskerville
Pursing my passion to become a physiotherapist and working closely with sporting teams to ensure their health is well managed.
My previous sporting and coaching engagements was within the Queensland Girls' Secondary Schools Sports Association (QGSSSA) and my enjoyment of rowing was kept alive through the coaching interactivity of school girls.
Coaching preseason school girls within a purpose built facility, Urban Rowing, and coaching BGS school girls on the water during the winters.
Rowed in the 1st VIII for BGGS for 2 years and rowed 2nd in the 2010 Qld State titles for Open IV
Posted by Phoebe Baskerville in Nov, 2014

What is a Safe workstation setup? A workstation is a place where work of a particular nature is carried out. A safe workstation set up is the setting up a workstation in such a way to prevent injuries from prolonged work and overuse of arms, neck, hands and back. What is the purpose of a Safe workstation setup? Safe […]