Formal Meeting
Posted by SkillMaker in Aug, 2013
What is a formal meeting?
A formal meeting is a pre-planned gathering of two or more people who have assembled for the purpose of achieving a common goal through verbal interaction. Formal meetings are characterised by their predetermined topics, a set of objectives and formal notices. These meetings are held at a specific time, at a defined place and according to an agreed agenda. Formal meetings are typically lead by a chairperson with the discussions and agreements recorded in a written form known as minutes. A formal meetings is also known as a board meeting, a committee meeting, a caucus meeting, a conclave, a congress, a council meeting, a stockholders meeting as summit meeting or a symposium.
What is formal meeting like?
A formal meeting is like conducting an orchestra with a conductor (chairperson) and musicians (meeting participants) coming together in a pre-planned place at a set time to play a musical piece (agenda) that they perform together (agreed outcomes).
What is the purpose of a formal meeting?
The purpose of a formal meeting is to discuss the list of predetermined topics and address the set of objectives, and make decisions relating to them. Formal meetings are a requirement of some companies to promote transparency and accountability. These meeting allow proper discussions to be taken about issues within the company.
What are the different types of formal meetings?
Annual General Meeting – These are usually a requirement of a company. Employees and Shareholders will meet to discuss progress in the past year, and what to do in the next one.
Planning Meetings – Groups will gather together to plan what to do and how to do it.
Review Meetings – Participants will gather to discuss what has been done, how successful it was and whether it could have been done differently.
What’s involved with a formal meeting?
Many formal meetings follow a set pattern. This helps to give the meeting an organised structure. This pattern is usually set out in an agenda, which is circulated to participants in advance, along with a copy of the minutes from the last meeting. At the beginning of a meeting, participants will agree to the accuracy of the minutes from the last meeting. Attendees will give updates on any action items from the previous meeting. The items on the agenda will then be discussed. Minutes (official notes) will be taken throughout the meeting. There often has to be a certain number of people present for the members to be able to conduct valid business.
Where does a formal meeting fit into the organisational management?
Formal meetings are an essential part of planning, directing and controlling which are used within a company structure. Important decisions about the organisation may be taken in formal meetings.
How do formal meetings impact on organisational goals?
Formal meeting help attendees to understand the organisational goals of the company whilst giving them the chance to discuss and amend these organisational goals. Decisions are often taken in formal meetings which can affect the organisational goals of a business.
What terms are used in managing formal meetings?
Agenda – An agenda sets out the structure of the meeting.
Minutes – Minutes are a formal record of the events which occur during a meeting.
Motion – A motion is a proposal or a suggestion within a meeting.
Chairperson – The chairperson is in charge of the meeting and decides who can speak and when.
Order – If more than one person is speaking at once, or if the meeting is becoming an argument, rather than a discussion, the chair may call “order”.
Quorum – This refers to the minimum number of people required for the meeting to remain valid.
Where can I find more information about formal meetings?
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