Minute taker
Posted by SkillMaker in Aug, 2013
What is a minute taker?
Define Minute Taker – Minute taker is the attendee at meeting whose role it is to record the minutes of the meeting. The note taker may be a formal, professional note taker, whose only job is to take notes, or they may be an active participant in the meeting who has taken on the role for that specific meeting.
What is minute taker like?
A note taker is like a sports commentator who gives you a play-by-play description of the match. They may not mention every single player who touches the ball (person who speaks) but they will tell you about all of the points scored and the near misses. They will also give you a run down as to what the team should do to prepare for their next match.
What is the purpose of minute taker?
A minute taker is in charge of taking the minutes of the meeting. These minutes are required to provide a formal account of who was at the meeting, what was discussed, what actions were agreed upon, and who would carry out these actions. The minute taker is in charge of providing the single official version of events. Having one minute taker prevents each attendee from having to prepare their own formal notes.
What are the roles and responsibilities of a minute taker?
The minute taker must keep an accurate record of what happened at the meeting and what decisions were made. They must take notes in an impartial way and they must not try to impose their own opinions into the notes which have been taken. The minute taker must prepare and distribute a formal version of their notes as soon as possible after the meeting is over. They must distribute their formal minutes in good time before the next meeting, so that attendees will have chance to consider them.
Whats involved with being a minute taker?
A minute taker must listen carefully to the meeting and must take clear and concise notes about what occurred during the meeting. They must produce an impartial set of notes. It may be helpful for the minute taker to quickly draw up a seating plan at the beginning of the meeting, so that they are able to keep track of all the attendees. It is also helpful if they are fully aware of the agenda before the meeting starts so that they can organise their notes properly. Where does a minute taker fit into the meeting process? A minute taker is essential to the meeting process, because they produce the formal minutes of the meeting, which are an official requirement for many companies. Even if minutes are not a requirement, many organisations still decide to keep minutes.
How does a minute taker impact on a meeting?
If the minute taker is a professional minute taker, they are not expected to participate actively in the meeting, other than to ask for clarification on points. If the minute taker is a regular attendee, they are permitted to take an active role in the meeting. What terms are used in the roles and responsibilities of a minute taker? Minutes Minutes is another name for the formal notes which summarises a meeting.
Protocol This is the standard format which a minute taker must use to present their minutes. The protocol has been decided by the organisation or group. Attendees People who are present at a meeting. Agenda The agenda is the formally agreed order of business for the meeting. Action Items These are actions which an attendee has agreed to carry out following the decisions made at the previous meeting.
Where can I find more information about a minute taker?
http://www.devon.gov.uk/index/socialcarehealth/older_people/adult-protection/sa-minute-training-guidance.htm http://humanresources.about.com/od/meetingmanagement/g/notetaker-or-recorder.htm http://www.iifac.org/bonfire/pdf/34_en.pdf