Project Manager role and responsibility
Posted by SkillMaker in Dec, 2016
Project Manager—role and responsibility
The project manager is responsible for the management of a project during its life cycle. To be fully effective, he or she needs to have the ongoing backing and support of senior management.
Typical characteristics
The project manager will have the right technical and interpersonal skills, attributes and background experience for a particular project. Particularly important attributes include:
- leadership
- good judgement
- ability to communicate clearly with staff and project stakeholders
- good problem-solving ability
- strong negotiation skills
- ability to work under pressure
- ability to think strategically.
Managing risk and change
Risk management is a very important facet of the Project Manager’s role throughout the project life. Unplanned for risks—or not having contingency plans for a planned risk—can jeopardise a project’s successful delivery.
For some projects, the project manager’s roles and responsibilities change as the project progresses; this requires the ability to readily adapt to change.
Some specific responsibilities
Some specific responsibilities of a Project Manager include:
- planning (scope, work schedules, resource needs)
- preparing timelines and budgets
- monitoring work progress, cash flow, performance of staff, consultant and contractors deliverables
- ensuring adherence to necessary regulations and legal requirements (e.g. for health and safety)
- managing change and risk
- managing, and providing leadership and motivation for staff
- ensuring documentation deliverables (e.g. reports etc.) are provided on time and conform to the brief
- quality control of project deliverables, processes and procedures.
Additional resources
To find out more about a project manager’s roles and responsibilities, visit: