Unit costs in business
Posted by SkillMaker in Dec, 2016
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What are Unit costs? The unit cost is the average total cost of making, storing and selling one unit of a product. It is a consideration when a business makes large numbers of the same product. The unit cost of a product takes into account fixed costs as well as variable costs. Fixed costs are […]

Category: BSBSMB402

Selling Price Markup
Posted by Chau Nguyen in Sep, 2014

What is the Selling Price Mark up? When a company calculates the cost of a product or service, then adds a proportion onto that cost; that is referred to as a Selling Price Mark up. What is the Selling Price Mark up like? The price mark up is like a profit margin-the excess […]

Category: BSBSMB402
Business Pricing Strategies
Posted by Alisha Solanki in Sep, 2014
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What are Business pricing strategies? Pricing refers to the process of setting a price for a product or service and more than any other element of your marketing mix and this is what will have the biggest impact on the amount of profit you make over time. What are Business pricing strategies like? A Business […]

Category: BSBSMB402