The Role of Risk Management in Organisational Strategy Development
Posted by John Puttick in Apr, 2024
In the development of organisational strategies, risk management plays a crucial role in identifying, assessing, and mitigating potential risks that could impact the achievement of strategic goals. By integrating risk management into the strategy development process, businesses can make informed decisions and safeguard their future success. Why do people in enterprises need risk management in […]
Category: BSBSTR602
Business Contingency Plan
Posted by Flora Bouton in Aug, 2015
What is a Business contingency plan? A contingency plan is developed within the broader risk management plan and details a pre-researched course of action for management and staff to follow in an emergency or when an organization experiences an unexpected event that has the potential to affect the financial position, business image or market share […]
Category: BSBSMB406
Risk management
Posted by Peter Baskerville in Dec, 2013
What is Risk management? Risk management is the process of identifying, evaluating and prioritising risks, then identifying and taking steps to minimise these risks. What is Risk management like? Risk Management is like the safety features in a car. When you are out driving, you will encounter bends in the road or other problems which […]