Policy and procedures for meetings
Posted by Philip Baskerville in Aug, 2013
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What are policy and procedures for meetings? Policy and procedures for meetings are a very important part of the formal meeting process because they set out what can and cannot be decided in meetings, as well as ensuring that certain conventions are adhered to at that meeting. What are policy and procedures for meetings like? […]
Minutes of a meeting
Posted by Philip Baskerville in Aug, 2013
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What are minutes of a meeting? The minutes of a meeting are a written report about the meeting, which includes the date, place and time of the interview, the subject of the meeting, a list of the people who attended the meeting and a list of all of the things which were discussed during the […]
Minute taker
Posted by SkillMaker in Aug, 2013
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What is a minute taker? Define Minute Taker – Minute taker is the attendee at meeting whose role it is to record the minutes of the meeting. The note taker may be a formal, professional note taker, whose only job is to take notes, or they may be an active participant in the meeting who […]
Meeting papers
Posted by SkillMaker in Aug, 2013
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What are meeting papers? Meeting papers are the documents which are needed to conduct a meeting. Some of these papers, such as the agenda and the minutes are requirements at a formal meeting, but other meetings papers may depend upon the agenda of the meeting. Meeting papers should be provided to all of the attendees […]
Meeting notes
Posted by SkillMaker in Aug, 2013
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What are meeting notes? Meeting notes are special type of notes which are compiled at meetings by an appointed note-taker. The note taker could be a professional, or they could be one of the attendees who has been assigned the task for that meeting. They provide a written report about the meeting, which includes the […]
Informal meeting
Posted by Peter Baskerville in Aug, 2013

by Philip Baskerville What is an informal meeting? Define Informal Meeting – An informal meeting is a meeting which is far less heavily planned and regulated than a formal business meeting, and so lacks many of the defining features of a formal business meeting, such as minutes, a chairperson and a set agenda. These informal meetings […]

Category: BSBADM502
Conventions of a meeting
Posted by Maggy Saldais in Aug, 2013
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Click here to take the Skillmaker Online Quiz What are the conventions of a meeting? The conventions of a meeting refer to the protocol under which meetings are usually carried out. They are a set of rules which govern the way that each meeting progresses. Although not every meeting has exactly the same conventions, companies […]
Chairperson for a meeting
Posted by Philip Baskerville in Aug, 2013
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What is a chairperson for a meeting? Define chairperson – The chairperson for a meeting (otherwise known as the chair) is the person who has been appointed as the highest ranking officer at the event. The chairperson for a meeting presides over the event to ensure that participants are following the conventions of the meeting. […]
Arrangements for a meeting
Posted by Con Tributor in Aug, 2013
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What are arrangements for a meeting? The arrangements for a meeting are the things which need to be done before a meeting takes place, in order to ensure that the meeting is able to happen, that all of the participants are able to attend and all of the resources which are needed for the meeting […]
Formal Meeting
Posted by SkillMaker in Aug, 2013

What is a formal meeting? A formal meeting is a pre-planned gathering of two or more people who have assembled for the purpose of achieving a common goal through verbal interaction. Formal meetings are characterised by their predetermined topics, a set of objectives and formal notices. These meetings are held at a specific time, at […]