Meeting notes
Posted by SkillMaker in Aug, 2013
What are meeting notes?
Meeting notes are special type of notes which are compiled at meetings by an appointed note-taker. The note taker could be a professional, or they could be one of the attendees who has been assigned the task for that meeting. They provide a written report about the meeting, which includes the place, date and time of the meeting, the purpose of the meeting, who attended the meeting and a list of the things which were discussed at the meeting.
What are meeting notes like?
Meeting Notes are like an incredibly accurate diary entry, which everyone is able to read. Participants in a meeting can look at these notes to help to jog their memory about the events of the last meeting and to get clarification about the points which were discussed therein.
What is the purpose of meeting notes?
Meeting Notes act as an official record of the debates and decisions which were taken at a meeting. They are recognised as the official version of events, and are ratified as such by the people who attended the meeting. These notes are often distributed to attendees before the next meeting. Certain companies and government bodies are required to keep their meeting notes on file.
What are the different types of meeting notes?
Verbatim notes- These notes are a word for word transcription of what occurred at the meeting. Organisations do not usually require their meeting notes to be verbatim.
Minutes These notes provide a summary of what happened at the meeting and highlight all the main points.
Whats involved with meeting notes?
Formal meeting notes include the time, date and place of the meeting, as well as a list of who is attending it. When the meeting starts, the note-taker is expected to keep a true and accurate record of what transpires during that period. The notes must clearly state the outcome of each point and any actions which are going to be taken. Once the meeting has come to an end, the note taker compiles their notes into a formal document. Once this document is ready, it is approved by the chairperson and circulated amongst those who were in attendance (as well as those who sent apologies for their absence). If there are any problems with the notes that need changing, they can be addressed by the group at the next meeting.
Where does meeting notes fit into the meeting process?
Notes are taken during the meeting by one note taker, and these notes are distributed to those who were in attendance only after they have been formatted. They are usually available to anyone else who asks for a copy. Note takers may wish to use an audio recording device at the meeting to help them to compile accurate meeting notes, and will usually ask the permission of the group before they begin recording.
How do meeting notes impact on the meeting?
If there are meeting notes from the previous meeting of the group, they will need to be ratified at the beginning of the next meeting. These meeting notes will show the action points from the last meeting, and the group may want to discuss the outcome of these action points.
What terms are used in recording and transferring meeting notes?
Action Points These are things which a person has been tasked with doing before the nest meeting.
Ratification The agreement that the notes from the previous meeting are correct.
Amendment Changing the notes to reflect the correct version of events, if they are wrong
Where can I find more information about meeting notes?