WHS consultative activities
Posted by SkillMaker in Nov, 2014
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What are WHS consultative activities? WHS consultative activities are important activities that are a part of promotion of workplace health and safety. This is in pursuant to Part 5 of the WHS Act 2011 (the Act) requires PCBUs to consult with workers about WHS matters in workplace health or safety. What is the purpose of […]

Category: BSBWHS201
WHS Consultation and Training Requirements in Australian Law
Posted by SkillMaker in Nov, 2014
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What are WHS consultation and training requirements in Australian law? The WHS and consultation requirements are a strict set of guidelines established by Australian law in regards to how an employer provides information to their employees about Work Health & Safety issues. What are WHS consultation and training requirements in Australian law like? The WHS […]

Category: BSBWHS302
WHS Codes of Practice in Australia
Posted by SkillMaker in Nov, 2014
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What are WHS codes of practice in Australia? WHS codes of practice are the methods that a company, or duty holder must apply when they are making their property comply with the WHS Act regulations. What are WHS codes of practice in Australia like? The Work Health & Safety codes of practice in Australia are […]

Category: BSBWHS302
WHS Law in Australia
Posted by SkillMaker in Nov, 2014
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What is WHS Law in Australia? The WHS law in Australia is actually a set of laws formed to provide the workers in Australia with a safe place to work, the ability to report an unsafe work environment, and the proper training and equipment to do the jobs they are asked to do. What is […]
Sources of WHS information
Posted by SkillMaker in Nov, 2014
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What are Sources of WHS information? There are many different sources of Work Health & Safety information available at online websites like http://www.comlaw.gov.au/details/c2011A00137. You will also find relevant information by going to the library, by reading newspapers, and by watching some of the news programs. You will find that there are several pamphlets available about […]

Category: BSBWHS302
WHS Legislative Framework in Australia
Posted by SkillMaker in Nov, 2014
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What is the WHS legislative framework in Australia? The WHS Legislative Framework consists of 5 parts. The WHS Act( this is the Work Health & Safety Act that was passed; with the exception of Victoria and Western Australia; by the commonwealth, State and Territory governments creating regulations concerning workers, what their duties are in the […]
Workplace hazards
Posted by SkillMaker in Nov, 2014

What are Workplace hazards? Workplace hazards may be substances, physical agents and working conditions during the course of their work that can cause or contribute to disease and injury either on their own or in combination with other work or non-work risk factors. What are the causes of Workplace hazards? biomechanical demands noise exposure […]

Category: BSBWHS201
Organisational Policies, Procedures, Processes and Systems for WHS
Posted by Philip Baskerville in Nov, 2014
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What are Organizational policies, procedures, processes and systems for WHS? Organizational policies, procedures, processes, and systems are the things a business does to implement the laws of the Work Health & Safety Act in their workplace. What are Organizational policies, procedures, processes and systems for WHS like? Organizational policies, procedures, processes, and systems for WHS […]
Risk Control Measures
Posted by SkillMaker in Nov, 2014
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What are Risk control measures? Risk control measures are the steps that are implemented by a company to reduce the chances that any of their employees will be injured on the job, or to reduce the chances that anything they make will cause harm to the community it is produced in. What are Risk control […]

Category: BSBRSK401
Risk Audit
Posted by Peter Baskerville in Nov, 2014

What is a Risk audit? A risk audit is a study to determine the validity of risks, and the ways that those risks can be minimized through cooperation of employers and employees. What is a Risk audit like? A risk audit is like a sporting team performing a study on sports injuries, and then implementing […]