Workplace safety procedures and instructions
Posted by SkillMaker in Nov, 2014
What are Workplace safety procedures and instructions?
Safe work practices are generally written methods that define how tasks are performed while minimizing risks to people, equipment, materials, environment, and processes. Safe Work Procedures are documented procedures for performing tasks.
What is the purpose of Workplace safety procedures and instructions?
Safe Work Procedures are documented procedures for performing tasks. The purpose of a safe work procedure is to reduce the risk to health and safety in the workplace and reduce the likelihood of an injury by ensuring that employees know how to work safely when carrying out the tasks involved in their jobs. Safe work procedures may also be called safe work method statements (SWMS).
The purpose of a safe work procedure is to reduce the risk to health and safety in the workplace and reduce the likelihood of an injury through improving employees know how to work safely when carrying out the tasks involved in their jobs. Another term for safe work procedures is safe work method statements (SWMS).
What are the different types of Workplace safety procedures and instructions?
Handling chemicals – these involves procedures on how to handle chemicals in workplace where these are used.
Lifting and moving objects – are procedures that pertain to how objects are to be lifted and moved safely and without strain to the person or worker.
Working at heights – these are procedures that underscore what a worker must observe to keep himself safe while working in an elevated structure or environment.
Slips, trips and falls – are procedures that pertain to safety procedures that should be in place to prevent slips, trips and fall accidents in the workplace.
Housekeeping – are procedures that pertain to how housekeeping activities should be done while keeping in mind safety, health and well-being of workers in a facility or workplace.
Electrical equipment – these are safety procedures that pertain to the installation, repair and maintenance of electrical equipment.
What are the components or elements of Workplace safety procedures and instructions?
The following steps should be followed to ensure a sound safe work procedure is developed:
- Observe the task/activities: t is important to observe the task/activity being performed the preferred way to ensure safest method is documented.
- Review associated legislative requirements: Some task/activities are governed by legislative requirements. These must be considered when developing a safe work procedure to ensure any legal requirements are included.
- Record the sequence of basic job steps: write down the steps that make up the task/activity.
- Record potential hazards of each step: Next to each step identify what may have potential to cause injury or disease
- Identify ways of eliminating and controlling the hazards: list the measures that need to be put in place to eliminate or control any likely risk.
- Test the procedure: Observe staff/student following the safe work procedure
- Obtain approval: Before the safe work procedure can be used it must be approved by each approver nominated.
- Monitor and review: Make sure the activity is supervised to ensure the documented process is being followed.
What terms are used when developing Workplace safety procedures and instructions?
Consultation and participation – Management or the owners of a business/organisation must consult with employees about OHS matters that can directly affect them in the carrying out of their duties.
Emergency situations/incidents – Any situation that may arise unexpectedly that could cause injury or harm to any person in a workplace.
Employee and employer responsibilities – Employees must take reasonable care to ensure the safety of themselves and others, and comply with all OHS requirements.
Hazard identification and risk control – Identifying any hazard as a source of potential harm to people, or damage to property, and reducing risk.
Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) – OHS concerns the health and safety of all people in a workplace, including employers, employees and visitors
Safe work practices and procedures – These provide practical guidance to business on how to fulfil their duty to provide a safe and healthy workplace.
Workplace accidents, injury or impairment – Unexpected events that cause physical harm or damage to people or property.
Where can I find more information about a Workplace safety procedures and instructions?